Jason Andrew Weesner, Ph.D.


Updated on 03/09/2023 – Link to Pubmed Bibliography

  1. Jason A. Weesner, Ida Annunziata, Diantha van de Vlekkert, Xiaohui Qiu, Yvan Campos, and Alessandra d’Azzo. Role of Membrane Contact Sites in the Neuropathogenesis of GM1-gangliosidosis. In preparation, 2023.

  2. Jason A. Weesner, Ida Annunziata, and Alessandra d’Azzo. Glycosphingolipids within membrane contact sides influence their function as signaling hubs in neurodegenerative diseases. Review. FEBS OpenBio. In preparation, 2023.

  3.  Yvan Campos, Ricardo Rodriguez, Gustavo Palacios, Diantha Van de Vlekkert, Xiaohui Qiu, Rosario Mosca, Jason Weesner, Elida Gomero, Jeroen Demmer, Tulio Bertorini5, Joseph T. Opferman, and Alessandra d’Azzo. Mitochondrial proteostasis mediated by CRL5Ozz and Alix maintains skeletal muscle function. In preparation, 2023.

  4. Diantha van de Vlekkert, Huimin Hu, Elida Gomero, Jason A. Weesner, Xiaohui Qiu, and Alessandra d’Azzo. Chaperone-mediated gene therapy in a mouse model of Sialidosis. Molecular Therapy Methods & Clinical Development. In preparation, 2023.

  5. Jason A. Weesner and Alessandra d’Azzo. Role of Membrane Contact Sites in the Neuropathogenesis of GM1-gangliosidosis. Dissertation, 2022.

  6. Jason A. Weesner, Ida Annunziata, Walter Acosta, Tianhong Yang, Elida Gomero, Huimin Hu, Diantha van de Vlekkert, Jorge Ayala, Xiaohui Qiu, David N. Radin, Carole L. Cramer and Alessandra d’AzzoPreclinical Enzyme Replacement Therapy with a Recombinant β-Galactosidase-Lectin Fusion for CNS Delivery and Treatment of GM1-Gangliosidosis. Cells, 2022. DOI: 10.3390/cells11162579.

  7. Xiaohui Qiu, Yvan Campos, Diantha van de Vlekkert, Elida Gomero, Ajay Tanwar, Ravi Kalathur, Jason A. Weesner, Antonella Bongiovanni, Jeroen Demmers, and Alessandra d’Azzo. Distinct functions of dimeric and monomeric Alix in regulating F-actin assembly and loading of exosomal cargo. Journal Biomedical Chemistry (2022). DOI: 10.1016/j.jbc.2022.102425.

  8. Hu H, Mosca R, Gomero E, van de Vlekkert D, Campos Y, Fremuth LE, Brown SA, Weesner JA, Annunziata I, d’Azzo A. AAV-mediated gene therapy for galactosialidosis: A long-term safety and efficacy study. Mol Ther Methods Clin Dev. (2021). DOI: 10.1016/j.omtm.2021.10.007.

  9.  Annunziata I, Weesner JA, d’Azzo A. Isolation of Mitochondria-Associated ER Membranes (MAMs), Synaptic MAMs, and Glycosphingolipid Enriched Microdomains (GEMs) from Brain Tissues and Neuronal Cells. Methods Mol Biol. (2021). DOI: 10.1007/978-1-0716-1270-5_22

  10. Winter AN, Subbarayan MS, Grimmig B, Weesner JA, Moss L, Peters M, Weeber E, Nash K, Bickford PC. Two forms of CX3CL1 display differential activity and rescue cognitive deficits in CX3CL1 knockout mice. J Neuroinflammation. (2020). DOI: 10.1186/s12974-020-01828-y.

  11. Han MJ, Annunziata I, Weesner J, Campos Y, Salie M, O’Reilly C, d’Azzo A. Generation of human induced pluripotent stem cells (hIPSCs) from sialidosis types I and II patients with pathogenic neuraminidase 1 mutations. Stem Cell Res. (2020). DOI: 10.1016/j.scr.2020.101836.

  12. Ida Annunziata, Diantha van de Vlekkert, Elmar Wolf, David Finkelstein, Geoffrey Neale, Eda Machado, Rosario Mosca, Yvan Campos, Heather Tillman, Martine F. Roussel, Jason Andrew Weesner, Leigh Ellen Fremuth, Xiaohui Qiu, Min-Joon Han, Gerard C. Grosveld & Alessandra d’Azzo. MYC competes with MiT/TFE in regulating lysosomal biogenesis and autophagy through an epigenetic rheostat. Nat Commun (2019). DOI: 10.1038/s41467-019-11568-0.
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